Wednesday 20 June 2012

Experiment 3: Moving Elements

Experiment 3 Final Submission

IMPORTANT: function keys for CryENGINE Environment

White Facebook (phase 1) Up: f
                                          Down: b

White Facebook (phase 2) Up: i
                                          Down: u

Facebook lift to bridge Up: o
                                    Down: p

Facebook lift to meeting point Up: v
                                              Down: b

White Coke lift Up: h
                        Down: j

Internal Coke Pathway (trigger at small swirl) : y

Coke lift from bridge: m

                  to bridge: n

Coke lift to meeting point Up: k
                                       Down: l

CryENGINE3 Level Folder

Sunday 20 May 2012

Research: Coca Cola Images

Whilst traipsing through the internet I came upon this link to a proposed pavilion for the London 2012 Olympics that was related to Coca-Cola. I really liked the building use of colour as I had thought to employ both Facebook and coca-cola's signature colours of red and blue merging together to a white point of connection. However I would look to gradate my colour more than what is shown in these images.

The link to the article is

Tuesday 15 May 2012

EXP3 Week 1

I've chosen to do the Twelve Apostles in Victoria, Australia as my landscape area - I found it really interesting looking through all the images of the sight as most of them are either very bright, in a harsh white light or with a brilliant sunset with by them but that's not what I thought of them. So when I saw this image I felt I connected with it a lot more as its more moody and focuses on the nature of the landscape and how the Apostlse stand alone as entities... I just thought it was more atmospheric... 

Hence I tried to shot my own Crysis in a darker light and time


People with identity and connections have power. However people are users and typically can be manipulated and managed. There is a significance to secrecy. By directing and staggering information accordingly and keeping closely guarded secrets a person can be given opportunities for where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and many use their power unfairly.

Facebook article: 

Coca Cola article:

T2 Interactive article: