Monday 20 February 2012

Louise Bourgeois
 Untitled (1950), and Femme Volage (1951) at the Pompidou, Paris in 2008. Photograph: Stephane de Sakutin/AFP

Noun: Blocks
Verb: Broken
Adjective: Organised

Ai Weiwei
Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn (1995)

Noun: Destruction
Verb: Rebelling
Adjective: Apathetic 

Third Hand(1998).

Noun: Fusion
Verb: Evolving
Adjective: Un-natural
This is a photograph I took last October of a sunrise in Slovakia whilst I was travelling on the EuroRail. As lovely as the actual image is, its true beauty really lies in the memories I tie to it. This photo reminds me of a fun adventure with two people I care about greatly where we went and 'saw the world'. I don't think that cameras can catch sunrise's and sunset's full glory as they are more of an event, or flow of time, rather than a singular moment of beauty. Still, I reckon its a beautiful image.

Building: La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain
Source:  George, K., Inside Sagrada Familia, 24th of July 2011[Original Photograph]

Construction on La Sagrada Familia began in 1882 yet the building is still under c-onstruction today, a full 130 years later. The architect, Antoni Gaudi, has infused many different forms of geometry throughout the whole interior and exterior of the basilica, employing elements such as the hyperboloid, ellipsoid and his self created double twisted column. Throughout La Sagrada Familia there are many visual references to aspects of nature such as the resemblance between the buildings columns branching out towards the ceiling to the anatomy of a tree. Gaudi's Sagrada Familia has to be my favourite piece of architecture purely because it is filled with many visually interesting features.

This is my Major Design Project I completed in 2010 for Design and Technology. My Design Brief was to manufacture a high fashion piece to represent the Amazon Rainforest so as to promote its protection. I had to execute every step of the design process -- from my original designs to sourcing the materials to the actual production of the garment I was always in control. A fun fact about the dress is that it used over 15 metres of ribbon and close to 8 metres of fabric. Sewing is one of my favourite hobbies and i really enjoyed this project.