Tuesday 17 April 2012

Two Axo's in Landscape2

So after much toil I have a semi-snowed landscape. Still haven't been able to make it actually snow, and the ice/snow texture does some WEIRD things when you get close to it BUT it'll do for now as a draft. I'm happy how the two monuments sit in this sight (colour wise, textures, lines....) I rearrange some the location of the two monuments so that the "skyscraper" is now actually on the lowest part of the landscape - however it is tall enough that it's main area of interest (the top linear section) sits in amongst the mountain tops. I chose this location for it as it dramatises the height and thinness of the structure from the base when one looks up at, almost as though it touches the sky. Yet at the same time looking at the structure from the other monument (the puzzle) or even the mountain tops the 'head' of the structure still promotes interest for the user and sits apart from the landscape as it is one that is very vertically inclined compared to the structures play on horizontal lines.

I also like the "puzzle" being on a mountain top as it is a very solid, blocky structure compared to the "skyscraper" and I think in its place on the mountain top it is given a lot more prominence and it also sits in well to the landscape. It appears almost as a surprise to have such a heavy structure in amongst the particular landscape I have generated.

Friday 13 April 2012

Two Axos in Crysis

Below are my images from Crysis. I'm not particularly found of this landscape (especially after seeing the images of the concrete building in the snow!) So i'll probably make another landscape up, that is if I have enough time too!

View of monument 1 from the far side of my island (the export didn't fully work as it turned my bloody monument red....)

Monument 2 from the cliff of the forest showing it as the block between the lake and the sea

Monument 2 underwater from the lake side - this image shows the submerged parts of the monument

I added texture that I made online to the both monuments (even though they only show in this one...grrr) I only used black and white as I imagined they'd  be textures scrated into concrete to create detailing rather than using a material such as bricks or tiles)

View of both monuments together but from the height of the monument 1 to give perspective on it's "skyscraper" nature. Although tall in it's own right it has also been placed on the Island's highest point.

Thursday 12 April 2012

After a little random digging....

I was looking through various images on the internet and I came across these two photographs which made me think of the prisms and landscapes - I really liked how they actually looked (which surprised me) and I found their concrete materiality especially relevant to Oscar Neimeyer's works. The images also made me re-think my landscape for my buildings, as currently I'd made my landscape as a pretty stock standard island with forrest, cliffs and lakes and on and on. But thinking about it these concrete buildings look all the more spectacular in the snow...I wonder if I could make a snow landscape/mountain? I do want to but my tall sketch-up model on a mountain top as the shadow it casts is very peculiar...hmmmm...

 The photographs are of The Concrete Church by Walter Maria Förderer

Friday 6 April 2012

12 Axonometric Drawings

Below are my 6 Axonometric drawings (paired with their 6 from another angle)

Drafted Axos from Class

These are my Axos that I drew in class on the 28th of March - I don't like them so I might tweak them a bit for a final set of drawings. I tried to do some of the rotational drawings and mucked them up (the crossed through axos) so hopefully I'll have better look with the next set.